How to Install Apache with PHP-FPM on Ubuntu?
The Apache HTTP Server is a free, open-source, cross-platform web server software. It is developed and maintained by Apache Software Foundation. Apache is the most widely used web server around the world. The vast majority of Apache HTTP server instances run on Linux distribution, but current versions also run on Microsoft Windows, OpenVMS, and a variety of UNIX-like systems. PHP-FPM  is known as FastCGI Process Manager. It is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with extra features that are useful for heavy-loaded sites. It allows us to run multiple versions of PHP simultaneously. In this article, we will discuss how to install PHP-FPM with Apache on Ubuntu. Here we will use Ubuntu version 20.04.03 on a virtual box....
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How to Setup Browsersync for Web Development in Ubuntu?
BrowserSync is an automation tool which is used extensively in web development. This tool makes our testing and tweaking faster by synchronizing file changes and interactions across many devices....
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Create a Crypto Currency Price Tracking Chrome Extension
Building a Chrome extension requires you to have a knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. In this article, we will be making an extension that tracks the prices of various cryptocurrencies. For fetching the data regarding the prices of cryptocurrencies, we will be using an API known as CryptoCompare....
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How to Install Imagick for PHP on AWS EC2?
AWS or Amazon web services is a cloud service platform. It provides on-demand computational services, databases, storage space, and many more services. EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud is a scalable computing service launched on the AWS cloud platform. Or in other words, EC2 is a virtual computer on which we can perform all our tasks and we have the authority to configure, launch or even dissipate this virtual computer....
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How to Install bcmath extension of PHP on CentOS?
PHP offers various extensions to deal with different cases. BCMath is one of the PHP extensions which is an interface to the GNU implementation as a library of the Basic Calculator that deals with float values in PHP. This extension helps in implementing the function related to mathematics on the production server without any arbitrary precision errors. It allows calculations on numbers (represented in string format) of any size and precision....
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Create a Monty Hall game in Vanilla JavaScript
Monty Hall problem is a popular probability puzzle based on a television game show and named after its host, Monty Hall....
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Hosting Your Django Website on a CentOS VPS
Hosting any website/web application on a live server can sometimes become difficult if proper steps are not taken while deploying it. There are mainly 3 different types of hosting:...
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How to install and configure Docker on Godaddy server?
In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of Docker on GoDaddy VPS (Ubuntu)....
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How to Install Chromium Web Browser on Manjaro
Chromium is a free, open-source cross-platform web browser developed and maintained by Google Corporation. It is an open-source version of the Chrome browser and the basis for Brave and Edge. It is primarily written in C++ programming language and was first released in 2008 under the BSD-3 license. Among the operating systems supported by the app are Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux. This article will discuss how to install the Chromium browser on Arch-based Linux Distributions....
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How to Build G Suite Add-ons with Google Apps script?
G Suite is a Google service that provides access to a core set of applications like Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Meet, etc. Add-ons means the extension given to the pre-existing G Suite products (mentioned above). Developers can add many extra features to such products. Add-ons always run inside the G Suite products. We can create sidebars, dialogs, modals and add functionality to them in a seamless manner. Usually, we use the add-ons from G Suite Marketplace....
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How to Build a Great Product from Scratch?
All of us have great ideas, about which we think that if implemented, can turn into really successful products in the future. So this article will help you how to proceed with your idea and implement it to its full potential....
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How to install and configure Apache Web Server on Godaddy Server?
GoDaddy VPS is a shared server that provides computational services, databases, storage space, automated weekly backups, 99% uptime, and much more. It’s a cheaper alternative to some other popular cloud-based services such as AWS, GPC, and Azure. Apache HTTP Server is an open-source web server software widely used by web hosting companies to provide shared and virtual hosting. The software was released in 1995 and is mainly written in C. In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of the Apache web server on GoDaddy VPS (Ubuntu)....
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